WordLinx is a pay-per-click advertising system. Advertisers pay members $0.01 USD per click to visit their website for at least 30 seconds. WordLinx charges advertisers a small commission of 10% plus $4.99 per order to cover admin and running costs. Please visit our advertising page to find out more.
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Members earn $0.01 USD per click for visiting websites. The more sites visited, the more money will be earned. Members can withdraw earnings, or exchange them for services (visitors, products, etc).
WordLinx members can also earn by sharing links across the web by email, and on popular social networks like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. Each shared link also contains a unique Referral ID, so members will earn from any person that views their shared link and signs up to our site.
Our members are only shown adverts when an advertiser has paid for a campaign. That way there will always be money to pay members. Many other programs pay their members without balancing it against their income, hoping more people will invest. Such programs usually collapse in a few months and take everyone's money with them. Always check you are dealing with a responsible company that pays realistic rates. If the maths don't add up, you won't get paid. It's as simple as that.
WordLinx does not have its own program currency. Totals are in United States Dollars. The amount you see is the amount you earn. You can track earnings with the credit counter in our member area.
Are you interest for join now click here
About jamaludin
Hi, My Name is Hafeez. I am a webdesigner, blogspot developer and UI designer. I am a certified Themeforest top contributor and popular at JavaScript engineers. We have a team of professinal programmers, developers work together and make unique blogger templates.
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